The PIN encoded on the Credit Card above is "7253".  To install or encode this PIN into a PIN PAL label, follow the pictorial steps above from left to right.

1) Select a Pattern as described in Step 1.
2) Sequence the Pattern as described in Step 2
3) Install PIN into the Sequential Pattern as described below:

When the matrix is completely filled, the PIN becomes invisible and encoded.  To decode the PIN, you only need to recall your Secret Sequential Pattern.  Others, not knowing your Secret Sequential Pattern, only see a random array of numbers.


As mentioned above, the vacant matrix positions that remain after installing the PIN in your secret sequential pattern are to be filled with random numbers not used in your PIN.

Therefore, the numbers 7,2,5 and 3 are excluded in the example and can not be used to fill the vacant matrix positions.  Also, each random number should only be used once within a single PIN PAL label.

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